
New lab paper titled “Inventorying ponds through novel size-adaptive object mapping using Sentinel-1/2 time series” is now published online in Remo...
We are thrilled to announce that Cameron has successfully passed his A Exam! Join us in congratulating Cameron on this outstanding achievement!

New paper titled “Estimating merchantable and non-merchantable wood volume in slash walls using terrestrial and airborne LiDAR” is now published on...
The Cranmer family has expanded with baby Elena as the new member. Congratulations Nick!

New paper titled “Two sub-annual timescales and coupling modes for terrestrial water and carbon cycles” is now published online in Global Change Bi...

As incoming Chapter Chair for the ESA Latin American and Caribbean Chapter, Coral del Mar presented in an contributed oral session focused on creat...
Arnot Forest sees visits from New York State Department of Environment and Conservation (NYSDEC) Division of Lands and Forests (DLF) and Empire Sta...

The inaugural summer training course of BioM2-led Cornell Digital Forestry Initiative (CoDiFI) hosts a mix of PhD students, professional Master stu...
Dr. Aaron Sams has officially started as a part-time programmer in the BioM2 Lab. Aaron was previously affiliated with Cornell MBG before he worked...

Nick Cranmer and Xiangtao Xu visited two farms participating Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County’s Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES) pr...
Xiangtao Xu gives an invited seminar at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies titled “Predicting tropical forest growth and mortality under global ch...

Xiangtao Xu gives a keynote presentation titled “Trait-based modeling of tropical forest structure and dynamics: critical dimensions of plant funct...